Office of Institutional Research

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Institutional Research ARGOS Dashboards

Institutional Research ARGOS dashboards provide Faculty, Staff and Administrators with both record-level and aggregated data on students and employees. This enterprise-reporting tool provides users with the ability to create their own reports in a user-friendly manner. Key Performance indicators are also available for any strategic planning or internal reporting needs.

ARGOS training materials:

ARGOS Dashboard Instruction (doc)

OLAP Cubes Features (pdf)

Steps for Access to our Dashboards:

Fill out theWeb Report Library Viewer Access Form (doc)

The Web Report Library Report Viewer Access Form can also be found online by going to the myUT portal, clicking Employee tab, then looking under Systems Access Forms for the “Web Report Library Access Request”.

  1. Fill out the Report roles you need-
    • Department chairs, associate deans and upper level administrators should request access to the following folders:
      • Student-Institutional Research
      • Institutional Research – Restricted
    • Anyone requiring access to the Diversity dashboard should check the Institutional Research- Diversity folder.
    • If you do not fall into one of the above administrative groups, please provide an explanation for the report role.
  2. Email the completed WRL Access Form toITEA-BusinessIntelligence@ĢƵ.Edu
  3. This will be sent out to all appropriate custodians.
  4. After access to folders is approved by the custodians, you will receive an acknowledgement from someone in IT.
  5. Once your access has been approved, you can login to ARGOS atusing your UTAD credentials.

For assistance and training questions, please contactFrederick.Hasenfus@Utoledo.edu.

For access to all other ARGOS dashboards and to the Web Report Library, visit the IT website:/it/forms.html.