Office of Institutional Research

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SURVEY Services & policy

The Office of Institutional Research conducts large-scale surveys to support university-wide planning and the assessment of institutional effectiveness. Limited consultative services are also available for departmental administrative surveys. We are unable to design, administer or analyze surveys for individual researchers.

The University of Toledo’s Survey Policy requires that all colleges, departments, divisions, faculty, staff and students conducting surveys addressed to 500 or more members of the University community complete the Survey Coordination Form and receive approval from the Survey Committee before commencing data collection.

survey software

IMPORTANT UPDATE! The university-wide license for Qualtrics will end on June 30, 2024. Current users are encouraged to download their survey QSF files from Qualtrics and migrate them to QuestionPro before this date. Access to surveys and data within Qualtrics will no longer be available as of July 1, 2024.


The University of Toledo has adopted QuestionPro as its new enterprise survey software to empower faculty, staff, and students to distribute questionnaires, collect data, and analyze results with ease. It is AVAILABLE NOW with a UTAD login at: .

Why is the University Switching from Qualtrics to QuestionPro?

Licenses for University software are routinely reviewed when they are scheduled to expire to ensure that they are cost effective and meeting user needs. A committee of individuals from Institutional Research, Information Technology and the Provost’s Office thoroughly researched numerous survey vendors over a six-month period and shared a trial license for QuestionPro with 30 of the University’s top survey software users. QuestionPro was determined to meet and/or exceed the functionality of Qualtrics at a substantial savings.

Is QuestionPro Appropriate for Use in Human Subjects Research?

QuestionPro is appropriate for use in human subjects research and has security measures to protect the privacy and confidentiality of human subjects and their data.


The University of Toledo will continue to use Qualtrics for the collection and reporting of course evaluations.

Can Qualtrics Surveys and Data be Migrated to QuestionPro?

YES! QuestionPro has a Data Import tool that allows you to migrate all your surveys along with collected responses from Qualtrics to QuestionPro.

First, as a QSF file



Please note that while surveys and responses can be moved from Qualtrics to QuestionPro, branching logic that directs participants to specific questions based on their responses to previous questions will not migrate and needs to be recreated in QuestionPro.

What QuestionPro Training is Available?

The university-wide Qualtrics license ends on July 1, 2024 and QuestionPro is now available. Video Recordings of identical Qualtrics-to-QuestionPro migration workshops are available as follows:

  • Wed., May 22, 2024 from 2pm-3pm:
  • Thurs., June 13, 2024 from 12pm-1pm:
  • Thurs., June 20, 2024 from 12pm-1pm:
  • Wed., June 26, 2024 from 12pm-1pm:

What Other QuestionPro Support is Available?

(use UTAD username and password)

Email QuestionPro: edu@questionpro.com

Schedule a Meeting with a QuestionPro Representative:

    • Malavika Vemulapalli:
    • Qanit Khan:

Can I still use Qualtrics?

Faculty, staff, and students can continue to access Qualtrics with their UTAD login credentials until June 30, 2024 at the following link: . After that time, access to Qualtrics will end and all surveys and data housed within the platform may be destroyed.

QuestionPro is an extremely robust survey platform that is increasingly being adopted by research organizations and large institutions of higher education. University departments and personnel are strongly encouraged to adopt QuestionPro rather than to purchase individual licenses for other survey applications.

Nonetheless, if you purchase your own Qualtrics license or would like to move your projects to the account of a collaborator at another licensed institution, you can follow the steps to or submit a Qualtrics support ticket through June 30, 2024 by:

    • Logging into Qualtrics at ,
    • Clicking on the ? icon in the top right of the screen,
    • Selecting “Contact Support” on the bottom right.

Screenshot of Qualtrics Support Page