College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharm.D. In-Course Remediation Procedure

Remediation Philosophy

Remediation is a process which corrects an academic deficiency.  It helps students re-engage with course content and achieve academic competency to progress in the program in a timely manner.  Remediation is a sequence of events, beyond the standard course curriculum, that are designed to bring underperforming students to a level of competency expected of students at the conclusion of a course. The process of remediation should provide opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate required knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes through self-directed learning and purposeful interactions with faculty.  Both student and faculty should be active participants in the remediation process.  Remediation is a privilege that is to be earned by the student through demonstrated attendance and active participation throughout the course. Remediation procedures are not intended to correct grade sanctions due to academic dishonesty or plagiarism. 

Procedure statement

Each didactic course syllabus in the Doctor of Pharmacy program at The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences must include a statement (or section) that clearly states the opportunities and procedure for remediation within the course (in-course remediation). This procedure should be implemented by the course faculty.

In-Course Remediation

In-course remediation opportunities may include exams, assignments, or other activities offered to the student during the semester in which the course is taken or up to 4 weeks after the first Tuesday following the end of finals week for the semester in which the class was originally taken, per the discretion of the course coordinator.ÌýÌý

  • Remediation of Individual Assignments and Examinations: Although limits may be placed on the remediation grade for individual assignments and examinations, the need to remediate an assignment or examination does not automatically limit the overall course grade.
  • Remediation of the Overall Course Grade: Opportunity for in-course remediation assessments for the overall course grade must be available and outlined in the syllabus for students that earn course grades of C-, D+, D or D-. The in-course remediation procedure related to overall course grade must clearly state the 1) qualification criteria, 2) remediation process, 3) remediation grading, and 4) maximum remediation attempts.  The final grade for students who successfully remediate a course will be no higher than a "C."  Upon completion of the in-course remediation assessment, the final course grade must be submitted within 4 weeks after the first Tuesday following the end of finals week for the semester in which the class was originally taken. If the student does not successfully complete the remediation assessment(s), the student may be eligible for post-course remediation, if available, based on qualifications defined in the post-course remediation procedure. If post-course remediation is not available, the student must retake the course in its entirety at the next offering, if eligible based on academic standing.  Students with a grade of "C" or better are not eligible to use remediation to improve their grade in a course.
  • Purpose of Procedure: Provide procedure for in-course remediation and remediation planning.
  • Scope: This procedure applies to all students in the Doctor of Pharmacy Program of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Experiential courses are excluded from this procedure.
  • Procedure: Each course coordinator should develop an appropriate procedure for in-course remediation opportunities and provide it within the course syllabus. Qualifications and procedures for in-course remediation, including number of assessment attempts, are left to the discretion of the course coordinator.
    • Remediation Assessment
      • All assessments should be designed to allow the student to demonstrate competency in areas where they previously failed to meet required levels of knowledge, skills and/or attitudes. The assessment format can vary and may include one or more of the following: written or computerized assessments, cumulative evaluation, presentation, or other forms of assessment.
      • Students who participate in in-course remediation activities are expected to use all available resources which may include course materials on Blackboard, lecture recordings, and the use of tutors or the Academic Enrichment Center, when available, to revisit course material.