College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Appeal Procedure for academic and degree progression

Procedure Number: SPC-7

Statement and Purpose

The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences recognizes a student’s right to due process. This procedure details how policies set forth by the University (Academic Grievance Policy #3364-71-05 and Graduate Student Academic Grievance Policy #3364-77-02) are implemented by the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to provide due process to Doctor of Pharmacy students. The Student Progress Committee reviews and administers College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Academic Performance Standards for all Doctor of Pharmacy students. A student may appeal the implementation of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences academic policy related to progression delay, suspension or dismissal from the College and/or University.

Appeal is limited to academic issues based on the following:

  • A claim that the Academic Performance review and ruling process was not conducted as required by the Academic Performance Standard Procedures.
  • A claim that the sanction imposed is excessive for the academic performance issue.
  • New information has become available that was not available at the time of the original decision.

Pendency of Action 

Implementation of an academic dismissal of a student from the Doctor of Pharmacy program and/or the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences will be immediate unless a student has initiated the appeal process prior to the start of the subsequent semester (including summer semesters). For students seeking immediate appeal, dismissal will be deferred until all the due process hearings and time for appeals made by the student have been exhausted. Students will be allowed to continue in College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences didactic coursework pending the ruling on appeal(s). Students will not be permitted to continue in experiential education on-site experiences during the appeal process. Assignments/Exams may be completed but will not be credited unless the appeal is accepted. If the appeal is denied, the student will be immediately administratively removed from registered coursework. Please note, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences or the Dean’s designee may impose immediate removal or restrictions on the student if the alleged conduct in any way concerns patient or public safety (including faculty, staff, and/or other students).


Appeal to the Student Progress Committee

  • A student may appeal, in writing, the implementation of College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences procedure related to progression delay, suspension or dismissal from the College and/or University.
  • The appeal letter should be submitted to the Student Progress Committee Chair.
  • The letter of petition must be written in adherence to the business letter format and must include the student’s name and Rocket number, phone number, current mailing address, date, semester, decision(s) in dispute (progression delay, suspension, or dismissal), the specific issue regarding the decision(s) in dispute, and the student’s statement of appeal that specifically identifies which of the three bases for appeal are being raised.
  • A student has up to one calendar year from the date on communication regarding academic sanctions to submit the petition of appeal.
  • The Student Progress Committee will provide notification to the student via email and letter of the decision on the appeal within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the appeal petition from the student, unless circumstances warrant additional time for review, with sufficient notice provided to the student.
  • If the appeal is accepted, the college will determine the conditions under which the student will be permitted to re-enroll.
  • If the appeal is accepted and the student does not subsequently meet expectation for academic progression, appropriate academic sanction will be imposed per the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences procedure. 
  • If the appeal is not accepted by the Student Progress Committee, the student may appeal the decision to the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Appeal Process to the Dean

  • To appeal Student Progress Committee rulings related to progression delay, suspension, or dismissal, the student shall formally dispute the decision in writing to the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • The appeal should be written per the guidelines stated above.
  • A hard copy and email copy of the written request must be received by the Office of the Dean within ten (10) business days following email notification of the Student Progress Committee decision, or any further right to appeal is waived.
  • The Dean will review all applicable evidence from the student the Student Progress Committee, and any other requested information.
  • After completing such review, the Dean may ask for a meeting with the student.
  • The Dean will provide to the student a written notification of the decision on the appeal within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the appeal petition from the student, unless circumstances warrant additional time for review, with sufficient notice provided to the student.
  • The decision of the Dean is final and without appeal.

Scope: This Procedure applies to all students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy Program of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Responsible Agent: Associate Dean of Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences