University of Toledo

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a campus job?
Do I have to fill out an application to work?
What other stuff do I need to start working?
Do I have to work?
How can I benefit from working on-campus?
How many credit hours should I enroll for each semester to in in an on-campus position?
What if I don’t like my job?
What about paychecks?
What about Federal Work Study?
How does using Work Study benefit me?
So, my earnings get attached directly to my bill, right?
What happens if I don't use all my work study award?
Since it's called 'work study', that means I get paid to study, right?
What if I want to work off-campus?
What if I don’t want to work right away?

How do I find a campus job? Log in to , or check the job board TV outside of the Rocket Career Center (SU 1550). All positions are posted online. Check postings for jobs that interest you. Contact employers for interviews. Accept a job offer. Complete the paperwork.

Do I have to fill out an application to work? Not to search for a job. Some employers may ask you to fill out a “screening” application if their application process is complex or they hire many students. There is no campus-wide application.

What other stuff do I need to start working? Bring your social security card (don’t laminate it!) and a photo ID to campus. You will need both documents to complete the employment process, and you will not be permitted to work without them.

Do I have to work? No, but working 10-15 hours a week can help you adjust more quickly to ĢƵ. You’ll meet other student employees and learn how the University operates. Students who work a few hours a week on campus actually do better academically than students who don’t work or work 20 hours or more.

How can I benefit from working on-campus? Campus employers will make every effort to work around your class schedule. Your on-campus job can provide you an opportunity to establish future references for career employment. Travel to your job is minimized by working on-campus.

How many credit hours should I enroll for each semester to in in an on-campus position? During Fall and Spring semesters, six credit hours is the minimum requirement for on-campus student employment, with exceptions made for students completing their final program requirements. Some employment restrictions may exist for International students. International students should check with the Center for International Studies and Programs in Snyder Memorial room 1000.

What if I don’t like my job? Give it a chance. If it doesn’t work out, you can find another position. Many students change jobs due to scheduling conflicts, change in majors, or to take an off-campus job such as a co-op or internship. If you have good work habits and a willingness to learn, you shouldn’t have trouble finding and keeping a job.

What about paychecks? Students are paid every other Friday.

What about Federal Work Study? Federal Work Study (FWS) is a federally funded employment program for students with demonstrated need. If you have FWS eligibility (check your financial aid award letter), it increases your campus employment opportunities. FWS earnings do not count toward your eligibility for financial aid next year. The only real difference between work study and any other job is how the position is funded.

How does using Work Study benefit me? Not only will you get paid every two weeks, but your earnings very well may help your financial aid "picture" for the following academic year. All earnings are considered when applying for financial aid. However, work study funds are removed from the equation when it comes time to determine your financial aid package. In a nutshell, your earnings "appear" to be less and thus you may qualify for more aid.Using your work study also allows you to apply for jobs that are not always available to all students. Some departments are only able to hire work study students. Getting these jobs as a freshman is often seen as very beneficial!

So, my earnings get attached directly to my bill, right? Not so! Students receive a check every two weeks for the amount of time they worked the previous two weeks. It is up to you how you spend the money. You can apply it directly to your bill, use it to pay for other items!

What happens if I don't use all my work study award? Any unused work study funds revert back to the University. Funds also cannot be carried over from an academic year to the next term. USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Since it's called 'work study', that means I get paid to study, right? NO! The term "work study" describes the nature of the program. Students have an opportunity to work so that they may continue their studies at the university.

What if I want to work off-campus? Off-campus vacancy listings are available on Handshake or on the job board TV outside SU 1550. For information about off-campus jobs, contact Career Services at 419-530-4341.

What if I don’t want to work right away? That’s okay; jobs are posted all year through. However, the largest quantity and variety of jobs is available right before and the first few weeks of fall semester.