Office of the Provost

Faculty Leadership Program

The purpose of The University of Toledo faculty leadership development program plan is to:

  • Provide an overview of the various ĢƵ Faculty Leadership Development Programs
  • Describe the benefits of faculty centered leadership development
  • Provide a listing of additional faculty targeted leadership resources

Faculty success is a significant goal that is imbedded throughout the ĢƵ Strategic Plan. To promote faculty success, it is essential that both programming in mentoring and leadership are accessible.

Leadership development is distinct from offering faculty mentoring. Overall, faculty mentoring includes career-long support for the main activities that are required in the faculty role: teaching, research and service. It also includes development on the skills such as: time management, communicating with the public, presenting data, solving organizational problems and other skills.

If a faculty member chooses to lead, they becomes a vital link in improving and overseeing the university enterprise. This engagement means interactions with systems and processes that he or she may know little about. “In some cases, this lack of knowledge can lead to failed projects, delays, turnover, legal problems, data loss, etc. These systems include budget and finance, position and performance management, contracting and purchasing, federal and state compliance requirements, information technology and data security, diversity and EEO regulations, and so on.” (Academic Impressions, 2015)

Faculty leadership development is particularly valuable for colleges and universities for several reasons:

1. There is an institutional need for a higher level of faculty leadership at to address the many issues facing higher education in the U.S.

2. Faculty leaders lack institutional support for the development of needed skills and knowledge.

3. The diverse nature of faculty leader roles requires multiple skill sets and knowledge. areas.

4. Faculty leadership development programs can advance broader institutional goals.

(Academic Impressions, 2015)

leadershipLeadership Programs



  • Audrey Williams June(2017) , The Chronicle of Higher Education.

  • Audrey Williams June(2017) . The Chronicle of Higher EducationVol. 63 Is. 20.

  • Dennis M. Barden andJanel Curry (2013) , The Chronicle of Higher Education

  • Leo M. Lambert (2015) , Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities

  • Deborah Dezure, Allen Shaw, Julie Rojewski. (2014) , Change the Magazine of Higher Learning, Vol. 46, No. 1pp. 6-12.

  • Adisorn Juntrasook (2014) . Higher Education Research & Development, Vol. 33, No.1 pp. 19-31.

  • Adrianna Kezar, Jaime Lester (2009) . Research in Higher Education, Vol.50, No. 7 pp. 715-740.


  • Covey, Stephen (2004). The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
  • Kouzes, James and Barry Posner (2002). The Leadership Challenge
  • Collins, Jim (2002). Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't
  • Goleman, Daniel (1998). Working with Emotional Intelligence
  • Cashman, Kevin (1998). Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life