Accounts Payable

Allocating an Expense

Any entry within a Travel Request or Expense Report can be allocated to any active index by following these steps.

  1. Select the entry within the Travel Request or Expense Report. Note: multiple entries can be selected and adjusted at the same time by checking the boxes for each entry.
  2. Click Allocate.
  3. Select whether to Allocate by Percentage or Amount. Note: percentage is the default.
  4. Place cursor in the Index field.
    1. Set the ‘Type to search by’ option to Either.
    2. Type in the Index value or name and select the correct option from the available list within the dropdown menu.
    3. Click Save.
    4. If the entry needs to be allocated to multiple indexes, click Add New Allocation to continue the allocation process. This will add a new line, which the user can use to adjust the percentage or amount and the index by repeating steps 3-6.

Users can check all allocations within an Expense Report by clicking on Allocations under the Details menu or by viewing the Detailed Report under the Print/Email menu.

Additional Resources:

  • Allocating Expenses / Changing the Index (,Ìý)

Questions? - Please email PCardTravelSupport@utoledo.edu