Department of Physics and Astronomy

Recent Graduates in Astronomy

Name Degree Received Dissertation Title Advisor Employment
Federman, Sam 2024 May Investigating Protostellar Evolution from the Submillimeter to the Infrared with ALMA and JWST Ìý
Atnagulov, Prabhani 2024 January A Hubble Study of the Evolution of Multiple Star Systems in Star-Forming Regions in Orion Ìý
Johnston, Victor 2023 November Breaking Diagnostic Degeneracies in the Era of Spatially Resolved Galaxies A. Medling Ìý
Ashish Mishra 2022 July Theory and Modeling of Expolanet Polarimetry J. E. Bjorkman Ìý
Habel, Nolan 2022 July A Hubble Space Telescope Study of Protostellar Outflows Ìý
Thomas Shao-Yu Lai 2021 May Exploring Small Dust Grains Across Different Galaxy Environments J.D. Smith Researcher at IPAC, Caltech
Zakri, Wafa 2020 August A Search for Large Amplitude Variability in the Orion Molecular Clouds Faculty at Jazan University
Oswald, Wayne 2020 August An Assessment of Brown Dwarf Atmospheric Models Using Benchmark Brown Dwarfs M.C. Cushing Director of Instructional Labs at Ohio University in Athens, OH
Greco, Jennifer 2020 August Two Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Ultracool Dwarfs: A Proper Motion Survey Follow-Up and A High-Resolution Investigation M.C. Cushing Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Uppsala University, Swedish Collegium of Advanced Studies
Gullingsrud, Allison 2020 July The Structure of Classical Be Star Decretion Disks J. E. Bjorkman Ìý
Karnath, Nicole 2019 The Transition Points in Young Star and Young Star Cluster Evolution Instrument Scientist for SOFIA
Mazur, Brian 2018 A Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of Orion: From OB1b to Binaries Faculty at Fort Lewis College in Colorado
Hardegree-Ullman, Kevin 2018 June M.C. Cushing Postdoctoral Research Associate, IPAC, Caltech
Booker, Joseph 2017 August Characterizing the Role of Feedback and Protostellar Properties in the Orion Molecular Clouds Software engineer at Eversight
Gerhartz, Cody 2017 August Temporal Variations in the Circumstellar Disks of Be Stars from Analysis of Optical and IR Line Profiles K. S. Bjorkman Endpoint Support, Social Science Computing Cooperative at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Heidarian, Negar 2017 June A Homologolous Study of Lifetimes and Oscillator Strengths of Ultraviolet Transitions in Singly Ionized Lead, Tin, and Germanium S. R. Federman Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Maryland
Deady, Michelle 2016 December Numerical Simulations of Microturbulence in Hot Stellar Atmospheres L.S. Anderson- Huang Lecturer of Physics, Department of Physical Sciences, Lander University
Togi, Aditya 2016 August Lighting the dark molecular gas and a Bok globule J.D. Smith Ìý

Research Assistant Professor, Univ. of Texas – San Antonio

Starkey, Carl 2015 December A Spatially Resolved Survey of Mid-Infrared Aromatic Features in Nearby Galaxies J.D. Smith Research Analytics Specialist, The Ohio State University, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Human Genetics
Mulia, Alex 2015 December Stellar Populations in Nearby Merging Galaxies R. Chandar Data Scientist
Simanton, Lesley 2015 August Star Cluster Populations in the Spiral Galaxy M101 R. Chandar Lecturer and Planetarium Director, University of North Georgia
Brown, Justin 2015 May Abundance of Chlorine in H2 Poor Diffuse Interstellar Clouds (Masters Thesis) S. R. Federman Ìý
Allen, Tom 2014 August A Multi-Wavelength Survey of the Young Cluster Cep OB3b Postdoctoral Research Associate, Lowell Observatory
Lark, Adam 2014 August L.S. Anderson- Huang
Davidson, James 2013 May K. S. Bjorkman

Staff Scientist, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Virginia

Corliss, David 2012 December N. Morrison Lead and Manager, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Data Science Center of Excellence; Founder and Director,
Rangelov, Blagoy 2012 August R. Chandar
Poteet, Charles 2012 August Postdoctoral Research Associate, Space Telescope Science Institute
Thomas, Joshua 2012 May J. Bjorkman and Director of Reynolds Observatory, Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY)
Kryukova, Erin 2011 December
Rush, Bradley 2011 December Ìý(Master's Thesis) K. S. Bjorkman Spitz, Inc.
Nero, David J. 2010 August J. Bjorkman Lecturer, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Pittsburgh
Rety, Stephanie 2010 August Ìý(Master's Thesis) J. Bjorkman IT and Cybersecurity Professional, Bowling Green State University
Thompson, Greg 2009 August N. D. Morrison
Hesselbach, Erica 2009 August K. S. Bjorkman Notre Dame/Saint Mary’s Clare Boothe Luce Postdoctoral Instructor in Physics, Notre Dame, IN
Ritchey, Adam 2009 August S. R. Federman Eureka Scientific
Davidson, Robert 2009 August The Behavior of PAHs in the Presence of Jets and AGN in NGC 4258 (Masters Thesis) J.D. Smith Teacher, Bullitt Advanced Math and Science Program
Horne, David 2007 May L. S. Anderson & P. B. James Head Observational Research Astronomer, New York Center for Astrobiology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Benson, Jennifer 2006 December P. B. James Postdoc, MCS instrument on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Wisniewski, John 2005 December K. S. Bjorkman NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Astronomy, U. of Washington
Bonev, Boncho 2005 December P. B. James & Research Associate, Department of Physics, (Washington, DC)
Vijh, Uma 2005 August A. N. Witt Research Assistant Professor, U. Toledo
Mihaylov, Ivaylo 2003 December Monte Carlo Radiation Hydrodynamics in the Winds of Massive Stars J. Bjorkman Assistant Professor, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Rhode Island Hospital/Brown Medical Center (Providence, RI)
Pan, Kaike 2002 December S. R. Federman Senior Observing Scientist, Apache Point Obs. (Sloan Digital Sky Survey II)
Knauth, David 2001 December S. R. Federman Physics and Astronomy teacher at Franklin High School, Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore, MD
Cantor, Bruce 2000 May P. B. James Malin Space Science Systems (San Diego, CA)
Zsargó, János 2000 December S. R. Federman , Escuela Superior de Fisica y Matematicas, C.P. 07738, Mexico, D. F., Mexico
Email: jzsargo @ esfm.ipn.mx
Smith, Tracy 2000 August A. N. Witt Space Science Institute-Columbus (Columbus, OH)
Gordon, Karl 1997 August A. N. Witt