Department of Physics and Astronomy

Faculty: Lawrence Anderson-Huang

lawrence anderson huang

Professor Emeritus (2018)

Ph.D., 1977, University of California at Berkeley

419.530.5332 | MH 3005

Research and Teaching Interests

Before joining the faculty at the University of Toledo in 1978 he held a postdoctoral position at UC Berkeley, conducting submillimeter observations on White Mountain. In his research career he was particularly cited for an innovative computation algorithm for the statistical equilibrium of atomic excitation in complex radiation fields. This algorithm was applied to the Solar chromosphere to derive the entirety of radiative cooling there, and to the atmospheres of hot stars to derive proper temperature profiles. More recently, he has taken up an interest in radiatively driven turbulence in stellar atmospheres.

areas of expertise

  • Atomic processes and radiative transfer
  • Radiation hydrodynamics
  • Line blanketing with radiative statistical equilibrium