The Instrumentation Center



°ä´Ç²Ô³Ù°ù¾±²ú³Ü³Ù´Ç°ù:ÌýJoe Meyer

About the Display:

  • ÌýAn ampule with crystalline iodine. There is an ongoing experiment happening here! Upon heating from the LED lights (and at normal pressure) iodine goes directly from the solid phase into the gas phase - skipping the usual liquid phase. If you look carefully you can see the violet gas phase in this closed ampule. Gas phase iodine crystallizes back into the solid phase at the cooler end of the ampule, the one facing you and away from the LEDs. What happens when we turn off the lights in the night?
  • ÌýA bottle of a CT contrast agent containing iohexol. The organic iodine compound adds contrast to fluids and body parts by blocking the X-rays passing through your body. The body parts that contain iohexol are then clearly separated in contrast to the one that do not contain iodine. It is a non-ionic water soluble drug, whichÌý was approved for X-ray imaging in 1985. For other contrast agents see gadolinium and barium.

ioPictured: the iohexol molecule

  • First aid iodine. Iodine is an antibacterial agent and disinfectant. It was discovered in 1811 and extensively used during the civil war to treat soldiers.Ìý
  • Iodine Swabstick. These cotton swabs contain iodoprovidone used as an antiseptic. The complex released the intensely colored iodine which disinfects and also colors your skin.

joeAbout the Contributor: Joe Meyer is a graduate from the University of Toledo with a degree in Exercise Science. He also has a strong background in pharmaceutical science.

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Atomic Number: 53

Atomic Mass:Ìý126.90447Ìýu

Electron Configuration:Ìý[Kr] 4d105s25p5

Year Discovered:Ìý1811

Discovered By:ÌýBarnard Courtois