College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Pre-CLERKSHIP Electives

Family Medicine

SOMN 733 Sexual Medicine

Health Science Campus Student Life

SOMN 617 AMSA Pre-Med Mentorship Program Elective
Health Science Campus Student Life & Pre-Health Advising Center

SOMN  719 Student to Student Health Education
Health Science Campus Student Life

SOMN 736 Rocket Launch POD Mentorship Program
Department of Medical Education
Permit required

Medical Education

SOMN 601 Advanced Dissection in Anatomy

SOMN 739 Art & Medicine: Using Visual Literacy to Improve Diagnostic Skills

Medical Practice and Policy

SOMN 730 Medical Practice Management
Department of Family Medicine

Tentative Schedule for Spring 2024

Orthopaedic Surgery

SOMN 604 Introduction to Orthopaedic Research

Obstetrics & Gynecology

SOMN 749: Centering Pregnancy

Office of Student Affairs 

SOMN 744 Community Health Project Preceptorship
Permit Required

SOMN 745 Medical Student Research Program
Permit Required


SOMN 673 Laboratory Medicine Vignettes


SOMN 622 Champions Program

SOMN 608 Healthcare Education and Advocacy Reaching Toledo Students (HEARTS)


SOMN 714 Child Advocacy

SOMN 701 Life Style Medicine
Psychiatry and Family Medicine

Medical Missions

SOMN 610 Medical Spanish I
Department of Family Medicine

SOMN 614 Medical Spanish II
Department of Family Medicine