John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation

Welcome to Fall 2024!

Dear Neff College Community,

As we embark on another exciting academic year, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to both our new and returning students. Whether you are just beginning your journey with us or continuing to build on your achievements, I am thrilled to have you as part of our College family.

This semester promises to be full of opportunities for growth, learning and innovation. We have a host of new initiatives, resources and events designed to enrich your educational experience and prepare you for success in the dynamic world of business. I encourage you to take full advantage of everything our College has to offer—from engaging in interactive workshops and networking mixers to participating in our diverse student organizations and leveraging our comprehensive career services.

At the Neff College of Business and Innovation, we are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where you can thrive academically, personally and professionally. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to providing you with the knowledge, skills and experiences you need to excel in your studies and future careers. We are here to support you every step of the way.

I also invite you to get involved, make connections and build lasting relationships with your peers, professors and the broader Toledo community. Your time here is not just about academic achievement; it’s about creating a network of support and collaboration that will serve you well beyond your college years.

Let’s make this semester a memorable one, filled with new discoveries, meaningful interactions and significant accomplishments. I am excited to see all that you will achieve and the positive impact you will make.

Here’s to a fantastic semester ahead!


signature of dean anne balazs

Anne L. Balazs, Ph.D.

Anne L. Balazs, Ph.D.

Dean, John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation
The University of Toledo

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