University Counseling Center

Sexual Violence/Domestic Violence Services

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Empowering Hope

You have options and you are not alone. At the University Counseling Center Empowering HOPE Services are here to support you. Connect with a free and confidential Advocate today by calling 419-530-3431 to learn about your options and campus/community resources.

Advocacy:Advocates can assist students in navigating both on campus and community resources after someone has experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, or stalking.

You should know -advocacy is free, confidential, and survivor driven- you’re in charge of what happens next, we’re here to assist you in knowing and navigating your options which may include:

  • Care Management

Counseling Services:

  • Ongoing 1:1 counseling

Within the first 4 days - Sexual Assault Forensic Examination or “rape kit”

ProMedica Toledo Hospital, Emergency Room: 2124 N. Cove Blvd, Toledo, Oh 43606

  • Try not to change your clothes, shower/bathe, brush your teeth, use the restroom, eat or drink before getting checked by a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner).
  • If you have already changed your clothes, store the clothing you were wearing at the time or after an assault in a brown paper bag.
  • Taking these steps will preserve evidence, DNA, and allow the SANE to provide a comprehensive examination.

"What if I need to get checked medically, but do not want to file criminal charges at the moment?"

  • Getting medical assistance is important to check on your physical and mental safety.
  • You do not need to make decisions about filing with the police and pressing charges right now. However, quick DNA/evidence collection allows you to process what you want to do

"What happens at the hospital?"

  • An Advocate from the local Rape Crisis Center should be offered to you, 24/7. Advocates are community resources who are trained in supporting survivors through medical, legal, and community processes.
  • A nurse will ask for health history and provide a head-to-toe exam looking for injuries.
  • If you decide to have evidence collected it can be done at this time. Evidence collection happens by taking multiple swabs: fingernails, skin, orally, and of your private parts.
  • Medication can be provided to prevent exposure to sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy tests can be conducted.
  • A police officer will come to the hospital to collect the forensic kit and take down any information provided by the survivor.
  • The nurse and Advocate will support the survivor in creating a discharge plan.
  • It is important to note that throughout the exam you have complete autonomy in what you do or do not want to participate in, providing your name (yes, you can report evidence anonymously), parts of the exam, or speaking with a police officer.

"This sounds expensive… is it?"

  • The state of Ohio pays for the SANE exam - this means, when you have evidence collected you will not have to pay for the evidence collection or antibiotics for STI exposure.
  • The fact that you are on this website is a great start! The best way to support a friend is to know the resources.

  • Start by listening, your friend trusting you with their story means a lot. Try to let them take the lead on letting you know what they need from you. It can be so natural to try to provide solutions and jump into “fix, fix, fix” mode. Keep listening.

  • Check in with yourself… knowing someone has hurt your friend can be upsetting and being their support person may be tough on you. Make sure you are aware of the resources on our campus that you can use as a secondary survivor/support person. You are welcome to schedule a counseling session, attend a support group, or even talk to an Advocate.

  • If you have concerns about your safety - we are here for you too! As someone close to the violence, we can help you through care management and safety planning.

  • Take Back the Night

Click here to request a workshop!

  • Healthy Relationships