Research and Sponsored Programs


Archaeological Research Endowment Fund

Baltus-Zych, Melissa

Native American Floodplain Occupation During the Late Woodland Period: Geophysical Prospection at a Newly Recorded Archaeological Site Along the Maumee River

Biomedical Research Innovation Program

Ferreira, Viviana

Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms by Which Factor H Protects Trypanosoma Cruzi from Killing by the Complement System

Liu, Song-Tau

Understanding and Targeting MELK Overexpression in Breast Cancer Cells

Pizza, Frank

Skeletal Muscle Cell Expression of ICAM-1 in the Resolution of a Muscle Injury

Tian, Jiang

Dynamic Regulation of Collagen Synthesis, a Novel Strategy in Treatment of Cardiac Fibrosis

deArce-Koch Memorial Endowment Fund in Support of Medical Research and Development

Glaviano, Neal

Hip Muscular Function in Females with Patellofemoral Pain Before and After a Rehabilitation Program

Norte, Grant

Adaptation in Quadriceps Motor Unit Characteristics after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Sari, Youssef

Neuropharmacology of Opioids Role of Glutamate and Nitric Oxide

Yildirim-Ayan, Eda

Mechanically Dynamic Environment Mediated Immune Response for Enhanced Tendon Tissue Regeneration

Interdisciplinary Research Initiation Award

Kalinoski, Andrea

A Rat Model of Arterial Stiffness

Seo, Youngwoo, et al

Harnessing Convergence to Find Solutions for Problems Associated with Harmful Algal Blooms (Nexus of Water, Food, Energy and Public Health)

Research Awards and Fellowships

Coughlan, Aisling

Osteoconductive 3D Printed Load Bearing Bioactive Glass Scaffolds

Day, Allyson

Gestational Ableism: Disability, Pregnancy, and Radical Futures

Gionfriddo, Emanuela

Development of Alternative Microextractive Sampling Strategies to Capture Elusive Plant Emissions Linked to Chemical Signaling Mechanisms in Response to Insect Attack

Emonds, Friederike

Memories of World War I: Re-Discovering the Lost Voices of German Women Writers

Foss, Matthew

All Quiet on the Western Front Professional Production and Premier

Guner, Serhan

Rapid Prediction of Hurricane-Load Capacities of Anchor Bolts Using Artificial Neural Network Modeling

Levine, Jason &
Xu, Kevin

Machine Learning Approaches for Assessment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Using Commercial Wearables

Mack, Kimberly

We, Too, Write Rock and Roll: The Untold History of Early Rock Criticism

Mezo, Peter

The Conceptual Relationship Between Self-Management and Mindfulness

Teterin, Peter

What Do Option Markets Tell Us About the Information Content of Insider Trades?

Publication Subvention ProgramÌý

Montes, Manuel

La Creacion Literaria Como Busqueda de Identidad el la Novela en Lengua Espanola
(Creative Writing as an Aesthetic Identity Persuit in the Spanish Language Novel)

Shetty, Sujata

ÌýUrban Shrinkage, Industrial Renewal and Automotive Plants

Visiting Faculty Researcher Program

Apul, Defne

Development of a Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Assessment of Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus for the Western Lake Erie Basin

Elahinia, MohammadÌý

Numerical Investigation on the Production of a Liquid Droplet Due to the Growth and Collapse of a Vapor Bubble Generated By a Local Energy Input

Tull, Matthew

Collaboration Between The University of Toledo and the Karolinska Institute to Develop and Evaluate an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention for Preventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Williams, Frederick

Impact of Bisphenol A and Heavy Metal Exposure: Link Between Type II Diabetes and Alzheimer's