Office of the Provost

Academic Personnel Calendar

The University of Toledo Academic Personnel Calendar 2024-2025

Faculty Return: August 19, 2024 | First Day of Class: August 26, 2024

Academic Personnel Calendar 2024-2025 (pdf)


Sabbatical Leave Application
Tenure &/or Promotion
Pre-Tenure Evaluation Years 1 & 2 Renewal
Pre-Tenure Evaluation years 3, 4, & 5 Renewal
Five-Year Post-Tenure Professional Assessment
Emeritus Review Fall Term
Emeritus Review Spring Term
ARPA Workload Evaluation of T/TT
ARPA Evaluation of Lecturers
Outside Employment Form

Sabbatical Leave Application

Faculty submission: Sept 23, 2024, 11:59p.m.

Department Chair
Receive Dossier Sept 24, 2024
Share with Faculty Oct 1, 2024
Forward Dossier* Oct 1, 2024

College Dean
Receive Dossier Oct 1, 2024
Share with Faculty Oct 21, 2024
Forward Dossier* Oct 21, 2024

University Committee on Sabbaticals (UCS)
Receive Dossier Oct 21, 2024
Share with Faculty Nov 12, 2024
Forward Dossier* Nov 12, 2024

Receive Dossier Nov 12, 2024
Share with Faculty Nov 27, 2024
Forward Dossier* Nov 27, 2024

Receive Dossier Nov 27, 2024
Share with Faculty after the BOT meeting
Forward Dossier*

Board of Trustees Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting
February 2025

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Tenure &/or Promotion

Faculty deadline to submit dossiers is 11:59 p.m. on Aug 30, 2024.
Dept chair uploads ref. letters by Sept 6 and forwards to DPC

Department Personnel Committee (DPC)
Receive Dossier Sept 6, 2024
Share with Faculty Sept 23, 2024
Forward Dossier* Oct 1, 2024

Department Chair
Receive Dossier Oct 1, 2024
Share with Faculty Oct 16, 2024
Forward Dossier* Oct 24, 2024

College Committee on Academic Personnel or COMLS APT Committee or CHHS AP Committee
Receive Dossier Oct 24, 2024
Share with Faculty Nov 7, 2024
Forward Dossier* Nov 18, 2024

College Dean
Receive Dossier Nov 18, 2024
Share with Faculty Dec 5, 2024
Forward Dossier* Dec 13, 2024

University Committee on Academic Personnel (UCAP) ****
Receive Dossier Dec 13, 2024
Share with Faculty Jan 31, 2025
Forward Dossier* Feb 10, 2025

Receive Dossier Feb 10, 2025
Share with Faculty Feb 28, 2025
Forward Dossier* Mar 10, 2025

Receive Dossier Mar 10, 2025
Share with Faculty Mar 31, 2025
Forward Dossier* n/a

Board of Trustees Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting
April 2025

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Pre-Tenure Evaluation: Years 1 & 2 Renewal

Faculty submission: Jan 16, 2025, 11:59p.m.

Department Personnel Committee (DPC)
Receive Dossier Jan 17, 2025
Share with Faculty Jan 31, 2025
Forward Dossier* Feb 10, 2025

Department Chair
Receive Dossier Feb 10, 2025
Share with Faculty Feb 20, 2025
Forward Dossier* Feb 28, 2025

College Dean
Receive Dossier Feb 28, 2025
Share with Faculty Mar 12, 2025
Forward Dossier* Mar 20, 2025

University Committee on Academic Personnel (UCAP) ****
Receive Dossier Mar 20, 2025
Share with Faculty Mar 28, 2025
Forward Dossier* Apr 7, 2025

Receive Dossier Apr 7, 2025
Share with Faculty Apr 16, 2025
Forward Dossier* Apr 24, 2025

President ***
Receive Dossier April 24, 2025
Share with Faculty May 6, 2025
Forward Dossier* n/a

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Pre-Tenure Evaluation: Years 3, 4, & 5 Renewal

Faculty submission: Sept 12, 2024, 11:59p.m.

Department Personnel Committee (DPC)
Receive Dossier Sept 13, 2024
Share with Faculty Sept 27, 2024
Forward Dossier* Oct 7, 2024

Department Chair
Receive Dossier Oct 7, 2024
Share with Faculty Oct 22, 2024
Forward Dossier* Oct 30, 2024

College Committee on Academic Personnel or COMLS APT Committee or CHHS AP Committee
Receive Dossier Oct 30, 2024
Share with Faculty Nov 14, 2024
Forward Dossier* Nov 22, 2024

College Dean
Receive Dossier Nov 22, 2024
Share with Faculty Dec 13, 2024
Forward Dossier* Jan 21, 2025

University Committee on Academic Personnel (UCAP) ****
Receive Dossier Jan 21, 2025
Share with Faculty Feb 7, 2025
Forward Dossier* Feb 17, 2025

Receive Dossier Feb 17, 2025
Share with Faculty Mar 28, 2025
Forward Dossier* Apr 7, 2025

Receive Dossier Apr 7, 2025
Share with Faculty May 1, 2025
Forward Dossier* n/a

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Five-Year Post-Tenure Professional Assessment

Faculty submission: Nov 4, 2024, 11:59p.m.

Department Personnel Committee (DPC)
Receive Dossier Nov 5, 2024
Share with Faculty Dec 5, 2024
Forward Dossier* Dec 13, 2024

Department Chair
Receive Dossier Dec 13, 2024
Share with Faculty Jan 14, 2025
Forward Dossier* Jan 23, 2025

College Committee on Academic Personnel or COMLS APT Committee or CHHS AP Committee
Receive Dossier Jan 23 2025
Share with Faculty Feb 18, 2025
Forward Dossier* Feb 26, 2025

College Dean
Receive Dossier Feb 26, 2025
Share with Faculty Mar 18, 2025
Forward Dossier* Mar 26, 2025

Receive Dossier Mar 26, 2025
Share with Faculty Apr 18, 2025
Forward Dossier* Apr 28, 2025

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Emeritus Review Fall Term

Receive Dossier Oct 7, 2024
Share with Faculty n/a
Forward Dossier* Oct 25, 2024

Receive Dossier Oct 25, 2024
Share with Faculty n/a
Forward Dossier* Nov 18, 2024

Board of Trustees Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting
December 2024

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Emeritus Review Spring Term

Receive Dossier Apr 1, 2025
Share with Faculty n/a
Forward Dossier* Apr 14, 2025

Receive Dossier Apr 14, 2025
Share with Faculty n/a
Forward Dossier* Apr 30, 2025

Board of Trustees Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting
June 2025

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ARPA Workload Evaluation of T/TT

Faculty submission: Sept 23, 2024, 11:59p.m.

Department Chair
Receive Dossier Sept 24, 2024
Share with Faculty Oct 16, 2024
Forward Dossier* Oct 24, 2024

College Dean
Receive Dossier Oct 24, 2024
Share with Faculty Nov 18, 2024
Forward Dossier Nov 26, 2024

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ARPA Evaluation of Lecturers

Faculty submission: Jan 14, 2025, 11:59p.m.

Department Chair
Receive Dossier Jan 15, 2025
Share with Faculty Feb 12, 2025
Forward Dossier* Feb 20, 2025

College Dean
Receive Dossier Feb 20, 2025
Share with Faculty Mar 17, 2025
Forward Dossier ** Mar 25, 2025

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Outside Employment Form

Aug. 30 Deadline for Annual Reporting. Activities that occur after deadline should be submitted immediately
Due to: academicfinanceandfacultyadmin@utoledo.edu

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*According to the UT-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement ( with the tenured/tenure-track faculty, “forwarding of the dossier to the next level shall not occur until the five (5) day reconsideration timeline has expired.” In order to provide a five-day window in which to request reconsideration as provided by the CBA, all evaluations must be completed at least five (5) days prior to forwarding the dossiers to the next evaluator. COM&LS &CHHS Faculty undergoing the ATP process are excluded from this process.

**According to the UT-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement ( with the lecturers, lecturers‘must receive their evaluation review approved by the Dean no laterthan the last day of March.’

***According to the UT-AAUP Tenured/Tenure Track Collective Bargaining Agreement ( usedONLY if non-renewalrecommendation by the Dean.

**** The COM&LS is excluded from going through UCAP for promotion and/ortenure applications. COMLS-Faculty covered underthe Faculty Rules and Regulations(2015) are renewed annually, July to June, with notifications of contract renewal in early May; notifications of non-renewals are outlined in the
Rules and Regulations.

*** Annual Outside Employment and Activities Report per Article 16 for Tenured, Tenure-track and College of Law; Article 26 for Lecturers, faculty must report outside professional activities annually through the AAUP-Outside Employment and Activities Report