Institutional Compliance

Assurance Strategies Matrix


Assurance Strategy

Provided by

Provided on

Provided for


Responsible Party

Responsible Party

Compliance Officer


Compliance Function

Responsible Party

Compliance Officer & University President

Agreed-upon Procedures

Internal Audit

Responsible Party

Compliance Officer

Design Audit

Internal Audit

Compliance Officer

President & Governance

Information Validation Audit

Internal Audit

Responsible Party & Compliance Function

President & Governance

External Peer Review (in lieu of compliance oversight)

External peer review team of subject matter experts

Responsible Party

Compliance Officer

External Peer Review (in lieu of the internal auditing information audit)

External peer review team of subject matter experts

Responsible Party & Compliance Function

President & Governance

External Peer Review (of the compliance program)

External peer review team

Compliance Officer, Compliance Function, and the Compliance Committee

President & Governance

Other External Assurance Providers

Accreditation Team

External Auditors


Responsible Party

Compliance Officer, President, & Governance