Department of Physics and Astronomy

Faculty: Yanfa Yan


Distinguished University Professor and Ohio Research Scholar Chair 

Ph.D., 1993, Wuhan University

R1 2100D | 419.530.3918

MH 4002 | 419.530.5335



Dr. Yan researches energy materials including photovoltaics, such as with perovskite solar cells, and hydrogen production and utilization. In his work he uses a combination of density functional theory (DFT), material synthesis, and device fabrication and characterization.

Dr. Yan is a world-class leader in theory, characterization and fabrication of thin-film solar cells including perovskite solar cell. Solar cells using perovskite cost less and are more efficient than the familiar silicon solar cell.

Dr. Yan's work with the University of Toronto to generate record-setting voltage with an extremely high-efficiency all-perovskite tandem solar cell. A tandem cell combines multiple transparent layers to absorb a wider range of the wavelengths in sunlight. Their tandem solar cell’s power-conversion efficiency also broke the record for traditional silicon cells.

Dr. Yan also applies this work to hydrogen power, in particular generating hydrogen by using perovskite solar cells to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The higher efficiency of the perovskite solar cells leads to greater energy for splitting water.

In 2011, Dr. Yan earned the and was recognized as an American Physical Society Fellow. Since coming to Toledo Dr. Yan's excellence in research has been recognized by a number of awards from the University of Toledo: the President’s Award for Excellence in Creativity and Scholarly Activity for three years in a row (2018, 2021, 2022), the 2015 Provost Shining Star Faculty Award, and the 2014 Sigma Xi/Dion D. Raftopoulos Award for Outstanding Research.