Medical Microbiology and Immunology

2019 Lab Coat Ceremony

SEptember 5, 2019

2019 Lab Coat Ceremony Students

Welcome New Graduate Students

Council of Biomedical Graduate Students - College of Medicine and Life Sciences

MMI Student IlujaMMI Graduate Student Iluja Gautam and Dan Saevig, Associate Vice President of Alumni Engagement

MMI Student Ryan
MMI Graduate Student Ryan Harris and Dan Saevig, Associate Vice President of Alumni Engagement

MMI Student Meghan
MMI Graduate Student Meghan Latouf and Dan Saevig, Associate Vice President of Alumni Engagement

Dr. Kandace Williams
Kandace J. Williams, Ph.D., Associate Dean for College of Medicine & Life Sciences Graduate Program

Blumenthal and Students
Robert Blumenthal, Ph.D., Director, Program in Bioinformatics & Proteomics/Genomics and Students

Student GroupReception