College of Law

Kenneth Kilbert

Kenneth Kilbert

Professor of Law Emeritus

Email: Kenneth.Kilbert@utoledo.edu

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Professor Kilbert, a graduate of Bethany College (B.A.) and the University of Pittsburgh (J.D.), joined the faculty in 2006 and retired in 2022. He has taught Environmental Law, Natural Resources Law, Administrative Law, Civil Procedure, Conflict of Laws and Water Law. He also served as Director of the Legal Institute of the Great Lakes, a multidisciplinary research center within the College of Law.

Prior to joining the faculty, Professor Kilbert was in private practice in Pittsburgh for more than 20 years, focusing primarily on environmental litigation. He is a former chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Association's Civil Litigation Section. He also taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law from 2001 to 2006.

Professor Kilbert organized the annual Great Lakes Water Conferences, coordinated the Environmental Law Certificate program, and frequently spoke and wrote on environmental law issues. He served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 2012 to 2015. In 2018 Professor Kilbert received the University’s Edith Rathbun Outreach and Engagement Excellence Award, and he received the Outstanding Professor Award from the graduating class of 2022.

Selected Publications

Lake Erie Bill of Rights: Stifled by All Three Branches Yet Still Significant, 81 Ohio St. L.J. Online 227 (2020).

Distressed Watershed: A Designation To Ease the Algae Crisis in Lake Erie and Beyond, 124 Dickinson L. Rev. 1 (2019).

Instant Replay and Interlocutory Appeals, 69 Baylor L. Rev. 267 (2017).

Moving Forward: Legal Solutions to Lake Erie’s Harmful Algal Blooms, (2015) (with J. Tuholske).

Legal Tools for Reducing Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, 44 U. Tol. L. Rev. 69 (2012) (with T. Tisler & Z. Hohl).

Neither Joint Nor Several: Orphan Shares and Private CERCLA Actions, 41 Environmental Law 1045 (2011).

The Public Trust Doctrine and the Great Lakes Shores, 58 Clev. St. L. Rev. 1 (2010).

Re-Exploring Contribution Under RCRA's Imminent Hazard Provisions, 87 Neb. L. Rev. 420 (2008).

Successor Liability Under CERCLA: Whither Substantial Continuity?, 14 Penn St. Envtl. L. Rev. 1 (2005).

Litigation Strategies for Recovering Environmental Cleanup Costs. (Aspatore Books 2004).

Interpreting Regulations in Environmental Enforcement Cases: Where Agency Deference and Fair Notice Collide, 17 Va. Envtl. L. J. 449 (1998) (with C. Helbling).