Office of Student Engagement

Special Funding

requesting funding for events or travel

  • Must submitÌýaÌýminimum of 4 weeks before the requested event or travel
  • Show a complete financial picture related to the event or travel
  • Be sure to read all instructions and tips on the form:


Rules and Stipulations for Special Funding

Funds that SAC allocates on behalf of the University are student general fee funds, so there are strict guidelines on how they can be awarded and spent.Ìý

Priorities & expectations
  • Events that are on campus, FREE for UT students, and open toÌýALLÌýUT students
  • Collaborative in planning and executionÌý
  • Organizations should spend some of their own funding for events and travelÌý
SAC Funds can't pay forÌý

(Directly or indirectly)

  • Personal property
  • Charitable contributions
  • Alcohol
  • Operational costs
  • Political campaigning
  • Food in relation to travel
  • Reimbursements (Don't spend your own money first!)
sac funds can pay for
  • Purchases through UT-preferred vendors
  • Vendor or performer fees
  • Food or catering (for events)
  • Supplies, materials, decorations
  • Safety and risk management costs
  • Rentals
  • Flyer, copies, programs
  • Registration fees (for travel)
  • Hotels or other lodging (for travel)
events with admission fee
  • Organizations may be asked to repay SAC after the event from the profits up to the amount awarded, unless they can effectively demonstrate the value in retaining the entirety of the funds collected through approval of the .
  • Funds for security costs will require submission of the Security/Paramedic Event Fee Assistance FormÌýafter the event, and that reimbursement will be credited back to SAC.
travel funding
  • In order to qualify for SAC travel funds, a complete list of travelers must be submitted with the funding request. The list must include name, Rocket number and email address for each traveler.
  • Travel is a low priority for SAC.
  • SAC will fund registration costs in relation to travel before transportation or lodging, which are considered to be the lowest priority for SAC funding.
The Presentation
  • The student organization representative who submits the request will be contacted via email for a date/time to present.
  • All presentations will occur between 2-4pm on Fridays.Ìý
  • Multiple organization representatives are welcome.
  • It is a professional presentation and should be treated as such.
  • Please arrive early and dress in professional attire.
  • You will have up to five minutes to present your request to the committee. No materials are required, but a PowerPoint is recommended. Be sure to address the following:
    • History of the event/travel
    • Benefits and impact on the University of Toledo student body and community
    • Precisely how the requested funds will be spent
    • How the event/travel relates to your organization's purpose/mission
  • The committee will have up to 5 minutes for questions.
  • The student organization representative will be asked to leave the room while the committee deliberates.
  • SAC will notify the requesting organization of the committee's decision once it is reached via email.
