Chemical Engineering

Dong-Shik Kim


Dong-Shik Kim

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
M.S in Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Research and Teaching Interests
In situ bioremediation: Use of microbial metabolism and metabolic byproducts for degradation of toxic chemicals, metals and radionuclides, and mitigation of propagation of these contaminants.

Biological filtration: Improving the efficacy of biological water treatment systems for reducing humic acids and toxic heavy metals.

Recombinant DNA technique for biofilm formation mechanisms: The recombinant DNA fused with the reporter gene is used to investigate the biofilm formation mechanism at a molecular level. The mechanism study has been performed as a part of the new project to develop a novel material that prevents biofilm formation.

Metabolic pathway control: Nano-scale investigation of metabolic pathways in fermentation reactions in order to selectively increase the reaction yield of a target byproduct.

Biopolymer property control: Studying biopolymer gelation mechanisms and kinetics to determine more efficient methods for establishing a stable biologically active zone in in situ bioremediation and biological filtration, and to control biofilms in industrial and medical systems.


Contact Information
Email: dong.kim@utoledo.edu
Phone: (419) 530-8084
Mailing address:
The University of Toledo
Department of Chemical Engineering (MS 305)
2801 W. Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606-3390
Physical address:
Office: Nitschke Hall room 3051
1610 N. Westwood Ave.
Toledo, OH 43606-3390