The Office of Faculty Affairs & Development, College of Medicine and Life Sciences

UTCOMLS Faculty Development: T32 Mentoring

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Mentor Training

ĢƵ-COMLS has an ambitious plan of a uniform structure to mentor all faculty and is committed to ensuring mentor training by providing a mentoring program. This program is designed to mentor the faculty for their career development and on how to train graduate and medical students. It is a required program for Assistant Professors and encouraged for Associate Professors. With this program, each Assistant Professor must have a departmental mentoring committee consisting of three senior faculty members within COMLS. A formal mentoring committee meeting is required every 6 months with a written report. Two additional mentoring programs are also available through the Office of the Provost for women and URM faculty, which are optional for our participating faculty.

Mentoring Program                                                    Additional Mentoring through the Office of the Provost

In addition to the above formal mentoring programs, participating faculty members of the Biomedical Science Program Predoctoral Training Grant will be required to take and complete the free online course administered by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at the University of Minnesota (UMN), Optimizing the Practice of Mentoring 101: For Research Mentors of Graduate Students, Fellows, and Early-Career Faculty. This 2-hour course has five modules that cover different mentoring models, roles and responsibilities of mentors, structure and dynamics of mentor-mentee relationships, and strategies and approaches to facilitate and address challenges during mentoring process. It also integrates case studies with quiz games, making it fun and engaging during the learning process.

Finally, participating faculty members the Biomedical Science Program Predoctoral Training Grant will be encouraged to keep a copy of and study “How To Mentor Graduate Student, a guide for faculty” by Dr. Mike Solomon, Dean of the Rackham Graduate School and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at University of Michigan. The participating faculty members are also encouraged to take advantage of resources available at the National Mentoring Resource Center, which provides free webinars, studies and publications, and tools for successful mentoring.