College of Arts and Letters

CAL Faculty Council Minutes Nov. 28, 2023

2023-2024 Faculty Council Meeting Minutes

November 28, 2023, Webex

  1. Call to Order
    Motion to begin; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting begins.

  2. Roll Call

    Present:  Alam, Alamina, Al-Hariri, Allred, Amialchuk, Baltus, Benton, Black, Bland, Bonifacio, Carpenter, Christman, Cook, Damschroder, Dudley, Emonds, Feldmeier, Foss, Gamble, Grazzini, Hey, Kistner, Lawrence (for Nemeth), McBane, McKether, Mezo, Mossblad, Myers, Nelson, Rouillard, Sakowski, Semaan, Smith, Stauch, Taylor, Ward, Whittaker, Zeigler (38)

    Absent:  Beatty-Medina, Day, Geiger, Monteleone, Reed, Schlemper (6)

    Guests: Gregory, Keith, Lingan, McBride, Sullivan (5)

  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
    Meeting agenda submitted for approval; Motion to approve; Second; Vote: Agenda Approved.

  4. Dean’s Report: Melissa Gregory
    No report.

  5.  Executive Committee Report: Ammon Allred
    The Committee discussed the Agenda and some facets of Ohio Law that may or may not affect Council’s ability to meet virtually.

  6. Faculty Senate Report: Gaby Semaan

    The Faculty Senate met on November 21. The Executive Committee met with the Provost and discussed OT36 as a requirement for a class to be in the Core. The Provost thinks it’s a management issue and Senate thinks it should be a faculty decision. The Provost search has been narrowed to 4 candidates; two of them will be invited to campus.  

    The Provost reported that there have been protests on campus, outside groups are identifying participating students, and some students are being doxed; the administration is working to keep campus safe. The Provost’s Office is working on prioritizing course offerings, and still seeking suggestions regarding Honors and University College. The Colleges will retain their names, but no deans will be appointed; an Honor’s Director is planned.

    Deputy General Counsel Janelle Schaller provided information on race-based admission and scholarship policies. The goal is to eliminate or reduce faculty involvement in scholarship decisions and leave them to the Foundation, which is a separate entity from the University.

    The Faculty Senate Constitution and Rules Committee spoke on the interpretation of Senate rules and whether the Director of the Institute of America Constitutional Thought and Leadership is eligible for Faculty Senate; the Committee’s interpretation is that he is not. Faculty Senate voted and approved that interpretation.

    Note: Faculty Senate Minutes are available on their website.

  7. Graduate Council Report: Patrick Lawrence
    Over 80 nominations for outstanding graduate student have been received. The length of time it takes some IRB approvals to move through the process was discussed, and that faculty mentors and graduate students could gain some additional training on the process to help move proposals through a bit quicker. Graduate students serving as instructors in various classroom settings are likely considered mandatory reporters under Title IX.

  8. Elections Committee Report: Beth Schlemper
    No report.

  9. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report: Jami Taylor
    No report.

  10. Curriculum Committee Report: Holly Hey

    Course proposal approved:
    COMM 3380: Media Producing and Performance

  11. Old Business   
    No old business.

  12. New Business

    Guest Michelle Sullivan, Interim Director of Student Advising, presented on Gen P and the continuing impacts of the pandemic on college students. Data from an Educational Advisory Board survey of 2000+ high school students throughout the U.S. was shared; the insights gained from this survey provides information about the cohort of 1st year students (which does not include transfer or readmit students). The greatest loss of retention is the 1st year cohort and averages 30%. This cohort is 50% New First Time; 32% Post-Secondary (with an average of 20 credits each); 14% Adult; and 8% International.

    Top three insights from survey:

    • Mental health concerns are shaping Gen P’s college experience
      • 63% of June Rocket Launch cohort at UT cited Mental Health & Stress as a top concern
    • Students are academically under prepared
    • Students are questioning the value of a college education.
  13. Ìý´¡²Ô²Ô´Ç³Ü²Ô³¦±ð³¾±ð²Ô³Ù²õ

    December 1, 7:30 PM, Center for Performing Arts: Screening organized of the documentary Sr. Eileen and Her Boyz, an HIV in the Rustbelt Story, co-produced by Holly Hey and Ally Day, music collaboration with Lee Heritage. Panel discussion to follow.

    Next Council meeting is during finals week, Tuesday, Dec. 12.

  14. Adjournment
    Motion to Adjourn; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting Adjourned