College of Arts and Letters

CAL Faculty Council Minutes Sept. 19, 2023

College of Arts and Letters
2023-2024 Faculty Council Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2023, Webex

  1. Call to Order
    Motion to begin; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting begins.

  2. Roll Call
    Present: Al-Hariri, Allred, Baltus, Beatty-Medina, Benton, Bland, Bonifacio, Christman, Cook, Damschroder, Day, Dudley, Emonds, Feldmeier, Foss, Gamble, Grazzini, Hey, Kistner, McBane, McKether, Mezo, Mossblad, Myers, Nelson, Nemeth, Rouillard, Sakowski, Sapci (for Black), Schlemper, Semaan, Smith, Stauch, Taylor, Ward, Whittaker, Zeigler (37)

    Absent: Alam, Alamina, Amialchuk, Carpenter, Geiger, Monteleone (6)

    Guests: Gregory, Keith, Lingan, McBride, Sullivan (5)

III. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Meeting agenda submitted for approval; Motion to approve; Second; Vote: Agenda Approved.

IV. Dean’s Report: Melissa Gregory
The new Provost search is ongoing and accelerated. Scott Molitor is Interim Provost of Academic Affairs; Mary Humphreys is Acting Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs; Dan Hammel is Acting Vice-Provost for Graduate Affairs; Jeanne Kusina is the Director for the Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning; Nicki Ann Gorny is Media Relations Specialist in MARCOM for CAL.

Enrollment update: CAL increased its undergraduate enrollment by 0.5%; only academic college besides Medicine that increased its undergraduate enrollment. Overall University headcount down 3.8%, but up in new international students, new adult, new transfer, re-admitted, and high school concurrent students. First-year retention is up, and six-year graduation rate is highest on record at 57.7%.

The Maryse and Ramzy Mikhail Memorial Lecture, an evening with Leila Fadel, is Thursday, Oct. 12 at 6 PM in McQuade Law Auditorium.

The CAL Fall Reception is Thursday, Oct. 5; SU 2592.

V. Executive Committee Report: Ammon Allred
The Executive Committee met to discuss today’s agenda, standing committees, and Council guest speaker suggestions.

VI. Faculty Senate Report: Gaby Semaan
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee report included discussion of the new Interim Provost, SB 83 changes, merit calculations, workload, and potential guest speakers.

Provost Molitor addressed the reporting to Faculty Labor Relations of faculty issues and that it is a misunderstanding that chairs have been asked to submit reports on faculty.

Mike Dowd presented an Academic Misconduct Policy update.

Note: Faculty Senate Minutes are available on their website.

VII. Graduate Council Report: Jami Taylor
Dan Hammel announced as Acting Vice-Provost for Graduate Affairs. Provost Molitor mentioned discussions of possible college mergers, including one between HHS and Nursing.

VIII. Elections Committee Report: Beth Schlemper
No report.

IX. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report: Jami Taylor
No report.

X. Curriculum Committee Report: Holly Hey
Meetings will be held the alternate Tuesdays of CAL Council. Submit curriculum items to CIM by the Friday of Council meeting weeks for review by the Curriculum Committee.

Curriculum issue: HIST 3340, Native Peoples of the Americas, was found in the University Core step of the approval process but had not been presented to or voted on by CAL Council. Two options: 1, vote on where it currently stands in the system and if it doesn’t pass, roll it back; or 2, roll it back now and begin the CAL Council review and approval process. Vote; Option 1: 26; Option 2: 2; Abstain: 3.
Discussion; course subsequently tabled by proposer.

XI. Old Business
The correction of the typo in line 347 (“creativity” should be “creative”) of the College of Arts and Letters Elaborations for Faculty Evaluation of Tenure and Promotion will be voted on at the next meeting.

XII. New Business
CAL Dean search will still proceed this semester. Send faculty nominations for the search committee to Angela Paprocki.

XIII. Announcements
Next meeting October 3. Vice President of Enrollment, Dave Meredith, and Gina Roberts from the Registrar’s office will be guest speakers at future meetings.

XIV. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting Adjourned