College of Arts and Letters

Faculty Council Minutes - May 2, 2023

2023-2024 Faculty Council Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2023, Webex

  1. Call to Order
    Motion to begin; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting begins.

  2. Roll Call
    Present:  Alam, Al-Hariri, Allred, Amialchuk, Baltus, Benton, Black, Carpenter, Christman, Compora (for Geiger), Cook, Damschroder, Dudley, Feldmeier, Ferris, Foss, Gamble, Grazzini, Hey, Kistner, McBane, Mezo, Miner (for Zeigler), Monteleone, Mossblad, Myers, Nelson, Nemeth, Peralta, Rouillard, Sakowski, Schlemper, Semaan, Smith, Stauch, Taylor, Whittaker (37)
    Absent:   Alamina, Beatty, Bland, Emonds, Ward (5)
    Guests: Brakel, Caceres, Hottell, Keith, Lingan, Montpetit, Sapci, Stover, Thompson-Casado (9)

  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
    Meeting agenda submitted for approval; Motion to approve; Second; Vote: Agenda Approved.

  4. Dean’s Report: Melissa Gregory
    No report.

  5. Executive Committee Report:
    No report.

  6. Faculty Senate Report: 
    No report.

  7. Graduate Council Report:  
    No report. 

  8. Elections Committee Report: 
    No report.

  9. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report: 
    No report.

  10. Curriculum Committee Report: 
    No report.

  11. Old Business  
    Resolution to Provost’s office regarding concerns with CAL Dean search discussed; motion to empower the Executive Committee to take the Council’s concerns to the Provost; second; passed. Motion to table the resolution; second; passed. 

  12. New Business
    Nominations for vice-chair; vote; Ammon Allred elected. 
    Nominations for Secretary; vote; Sheri Benton elected. 
    Nominations for Executive Council Arts Representative; vote; Holly Hey elected. 
    Nominations for Executive Council Humanities Representative; vote; Joey Gamble elected.
    Nominations for Executive Council Social Sciences Representative; vote; Jami Taylor elected.

  13. Announcements
    CAL Faculty Senate Representatives: 
    Sharon Barnes (3 years)
    Tim Brakel (3 years)
    Deborah Coulter-Harris (3 years)
    Renee Heberle (3 years)
    Kim Nielsen (3 years)
    Gaby Semaan (3 years)
    Jerry Van Hoy (3 years)
    Ammon Allred (2 years)
    Sheri Benton (2 years)
    Kim McBride (2 years), President-Elect 
    Jami Taylor (2 years)
    Dan Compora (1 year)
    Linda Rouillard (1 year), Senate President

    CAL Graduate Council Representatives: 
    Sharon Barnes
    Jim Ferris
    Patrick Lawrence
    Jami Taylor
    Jerry Van Hoy

  14. Adjournment
    Motion to Adjourn; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting Adjourned