College of Arts and Letters

Faculty Minutes Feb. 21, 2023

2022-2023 Faculty Council Meeting Minutes
February 21, 2023, Webex

  1. Call to Order
    Motion to begin; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting begins.
  2. Roll Call
    Present: Alam, Allred, Baltus, Beatty, Carpenter, Christman, Compora (for Geiger), Dudley, Emonds, Feldmeier, Gamble, Grazzini, Heberle, Hey, Jin, Kistner, McBane, McNamara, Mezo, Monteleone, Montpetit, Nemeth, Peralta, Sakowski, Sapci, Schlemper, Smith, Stauch, Stover, Taylor, Thompson-Casado, Whittaker, Yaklin (33)
    Absent: Alamina, Amialchuk, Benton, Black, Branson, Caceres, Cook, Crookston, Damschroder, Ferris, Foss, Miner, Semaan, (13)
    Guests: Barnes, Gregory, Keith, Lingan, Sullivan (5)
  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
    1. Meeting agenda submitted for approval; Motion to approve; Second; Vote: Agenda Approved.
    2. Minutes from February 7, 2023, meeting submitted for approval; Motion to approve; Second; Vote: Minutes Approved.
  4. Dean’s Report: Mel Gregory
    No report. Announcement on summer classes: CAL began with about 20 courses; that has been increased to about 60 (number includes cross-listed courses).
  5. Executive Committee Report: Melissa Baltus
    The committee met and discussed the agenda for today and Old Business regarding next year’s Council. New Business discussed included the Elaborations and the CCAP vacancy.
  6. Faculty Senate Report: Suzanne Smith
    Faculty Senate announced that the Board of Trustees approved the Strategic Plan and the Financial plan. The Strategic Planning Committee will present both plans to Senate on March 28.

    The summer class schedule was discussed; 460 sections offered by 6 colleges had been hidden by the Provost’s office because of lack of funds to cover their expenses and to meet the budget target in the 5 year plan. The original metric used based class availability on 12-month plan of study programs, or summer or fall 2023 graduation requirements. The response by faculty, students, and parents was “loud.” Colleges were asked to review their hidden sections, and some have been restored. Scott Molitor, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, acknowledged that the disruption to the summer schedule was poorly communicated and timed. The Executive Committee plans to work with the Provost’s office to avoid similar mishaps in the future.

    Fall 2023 course offerings will also be reviewed, taking into account Colleges’ instructional budgets, and some fall 2023 sections may be cut.

    Floyd Akins, the UT Foundation Vice President for Advancement Development, gave an overview on fundraising and philanthropy, and summarized the totals of alumni engagement and annual giving. The high point of donations was $32 million in 2018. It has been declining since, but his office has a goal of raising $40 million for 2023. He said that ĢƵ grants scholarships on an 80/20 ratio—80% merit-based and 20% need-based—and he believes that this needs to be reversed to 80% need-based and 20% merit-based.

    Faculty Senate is hosting a reception for newly tenured faculty on March 14 at 6:00 PM in the Brady Center on the Engineering campus.
    Note: Full Faculty Senate Minutes are available on their website.
  7. Graduate Council Report: Jami Taylor
    Park ĢƵ gave a presentation, stating that if you don’t want a ticket, don’t break the rules.
    Curriculum was also on the agenda.
  8. Elections Committee Report: Pam Stover
    Please watch for the Elaborations ballot and vote. An election does not need to be held for the CCAP vacancy because the Constitution states that the most recent runner-up is offered the position, and Onur Sapci has accepted.
  9. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report: Jami Taylor
    No report.

  10. Curriculum Committee Report: Renee Heberle
    Program proposals approved: Health Humanities, Minor

    Program modifications approved:
    AR-ENGL-BA-CRWG: English – Creative Writing Concentration, BA
    AR-FREN-BA: French, BA

    Course modifications approved:
    COMM 2000: Media Communication and Society
    WGST 3010: Global Issues in Women’s Studies
  11. Old Business
    A reminder that departments should be discussing their open seat(s) for Council for the 2023-2024 academic year.
  12. New Business
    The CAL Elaborations for Faculty Evaluation of Tenure and Promotion have had minor changes made by faculty affairs and Human Resources to align the Elaborations with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The ballot will be sent via email and will be open Wednesday, February 22, through Friday, March 17, and the results will be announced at the next Council meeting on March 21.

    Renee Heberle will not be able to serve on CCAP next year. Per the Constitution, the vacancy shall be filled from the same division with the next highest eligible runner-up from the most recent election. Onur Sapci was the runner-up and has agreed to serve the remainder of the term.
  13. Announcements
    Our next meeting will be March 21 at 4:00 PM because of Spring Break.
  14. Adjournment
    Motion to Adjourn; Second; Motion Approved; Meeting Adjourned