Department of English Language and Literature

Melinda Reichelt

Melinda ReicheltProfessor, Director of ESL Writing
FH 1680
Virtual office hours by appointment

Melinda Reichelt graduated from Purdue University with an M.A. in English (1991) and Ph.D. in English (1996). She is currently Distinguished University Professor and Professor of English at the University of Toledo, where she directs the ESL writing program. She teaches courses in the MA-English with a concentration in Writing Studies as well as courses in linguistics and ESL writing. She has published her work in several edited collections as well as in the Journal of Second Language Writing, World Englishes, Composition Studies, Issues in Writing, ELT Journal, Modern Language Journal, the International Journal of English Studies, College ESL, Foreign Language Annals, WAC Journal, English Today, and International Education. Her publications also include two edited volumes of work on L2 Writing, L2 Writing beyond English (Multilingual Matters, 2019, co-edited with Nur YiÄŸitoÄŸlu) and Foreign Language Writing: Principles and Practices (Parlor Press, 2011, co-edited with Tony Cimasko). She co-authored, with Tony Silva and Colleen Brice, Annotated Bibliography of Scholarship in Second Language Writing: 1993-1997 (1999, Ablex.) She has presented her work at conferences such as the Symposium on Second Language Writing, TESOL, CCCC's, and AAAL.
